Campervan Insurance

We are one of the UK’s leading specialist insurance brokers. Get a hassle-free campervan insurance quote in minutes.

Campervan Insurance

Performance Direct is one of the UK’s leading providers of campervan insurance.
We insure a huge range of RVs, campervans and motorhomes. We also provide insurance for classic campervans and VW campers as well as luxury motor caravans and campervan conversions.

Performance Direct will find the best cover and the best value for your campervan insurance policy.

We are proud to be a Chartered Insurance Broker. Only around 5% of the UK’s broking firms achieve this prestigious status. Also, we have been a BIBA Member since 2007, the UK’s leading general insurance intermediary organisation representing the interests of insurance brokers, intermediaries, and their customers.

Performance Direct is a Chartered Insurance Broker
We provide insurance services to UK residents only.

Rated as excellent on Trustpilot with over 14,000+ reviews

Benefits of our Insurance Policies

  • FREE legal cover 

  • Uninsured driver protection

  • Payment options

  • 24 hour claims service

  • UK call centers 

  • 2nd car discount 

  • Fraud fighting technology

We search our panel of leading underwriters to find you the best policy

Why choose Performance Direct?

  1. The latest digital systems. Our customers enjoy all the advantages of the digital world. We offer excellent web and app-based insurance services, including a fast, easy-to-use quote engine and automated customer services allowing hassle-free access to documents and information.

  2. The peace of mind of a Chartered Broker. Everything we do is backed by a team of skilled, experienced insurance professionals. We’re a Chartered Insurance Broker, a family company with a proud 40-year history, so we’re bound by a personal and professional code to deliver the best service for our clients.

Chartered Insurance Broker badge
  1. We’re independent. Because we’re not tied to any brand or product, we can search the car insurance market to get you the best policies­—from third party policies to fully comprehensive cover. Whenever you ask for a new or a renewal quote, our systems search a panel of up to 100 leading UK underwriters to ensure you get the lowest price and the best policy.

  2. We’re on your side. If you need to make a claim, because we’re completely independent, we work with you to sort everything out and to make sure your claim is paid. Whether you need to sort out a hire car or a new windscreen, our claims service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

  3. Here for you. Your Online Insurance Account, support features, and on-line quotations are available 24/7, and our office is open 6 days a week.

Combining the advantages of the latest technology with real world experience, Performance Direct promises the lowest prices with the most efficient service.

Performance Direct, for all your insurance needs

Insurance Policies for Campervans from Performance Direct

RVs (Recreational Vehicles), campervans, and motorhomes have never been so popular in the UK. With a vast range of new and second-hand vehicles to choose from, from the latest luxury models from the major manufacturers to classic campers and customisations it’s vital, not only to research the campervan that’s right for you but also to choose the right campervan insurance cover and, of course, the right insurer. 

Performance Direct was created in the mid 1990’s and is part of Grove & Dean Group, founded in 1974 and one of the UK’s leading independent insurance brokers. Still a family-run business and based in Romford, Essex, we pride ourselves on our expertise, personal service and the value-for-money we provide to our customers. Whether they are insuring their campervan, performance vehicle, home or other valuable with us.

When you insure with Performance Direct you can rest assured your campervan insurance policy doesn’t just offer you excellent cover on the road, it’s backed by an expert broker with years’ of dedicated experience. Contact Performance Direct or go online for a cheap campervan insurance quote now. 

Camper Van Insurance Cover – the basics

As you’ll soon discover, there’s a fair amount of terminology to get to grips with in the RV world – RV, of course, standing for ‘Recreational Vehicle’. Since we’re in the UK and talking to a UK camping and caravanning audience, we’ll bypass the terms and brand names that are largely used abroad – Winnebagos for example, although a regular and iconic sight on the wide open roads of the US, really don’t mix well with cramped British lanes and byways! 

So here, and crucially when you’re looking for campervan insurance online or over the phone, is the first – perhaps distinction to make. Campervan or Motorhome? 

Campervan. This is a van equipped as a self-contained travelling home, they are normally smaller than a motorhome. There is generally no divide between the cab and the living quarters.

Motorhome. This is a motor vehicle built on a truck or bus chassis and designed to serve as self-contained living quarters for recreational travel. 

So, although some campervans may now approach the specifications of motorhomes, the two vehicles are distinct and have evolved and been developed to satisfy different users, different demographic and different campervan insurance criteria.

As one explanation states: 

“The camper van is built to serve those who primarily want to explore – usually off the beaten track, the motorhome, however, is generally larger than a camper van, and the emphasis on its design is comfort and creating a home away from home”.

Simple but, as far as motoring communities and campervan insurance are concerned, important.

So what's the difference between a camper van and a motorhome when it comes to insurance? 

When it comes to motorhome / campervan insurance, there's one very important difference; a campervan can sometimes be covered by car or van insurance (depending of course on its specifications) but motorhomes are defined as a motor caravan by the DVLA and need a specialist policy arranged. 

That's why it's incredibly important to speak to a specialist campervan insurance broker like Performance Direct who can help you through the system and ensure you find the right policy. When you speak to us will be able to confirm using the registration number of your vehicle whether it's registered as a campervan or motorhome, so don't worry you'll be in expert hands. 


What are the main types of campervan insurance cover?

Like car insurance, one of the main determinants of campervan insurance cover will be: How is the vehicle to be used?

Will you be using it every day, for commuting perhaps? Obviously social domestic and pleasure, as far as campervan insurance is concerned, are probably the most important areas for us to discuss and, as we will cover elsewhere in these articles, whether you're using the campervan less than a month a year or all year round will obviously have ramifications in terms of the campervan insurance quote we can offer. Check with us to ensure you have the policy that's right for you and the best choice of cheap campervan insurance cover.

What exactly is campervan insurance? Campervan insurance, just like any sort of motor cover, is a specific form of insurance cover but designed for campervans. Sounds obvious of course but there are some essential differences that you need to be aware of when taking out campervan insurance. Firstly, your campervan or classic campervan may spend a great deal of its life parked up either on your drive or while you're on holiday. Therefore there are different considerations to be taken into account for the campervan insurer. Obviously the area in which you're parked, and the location’s insurance risk may come into play, also the security on the vehicle. The important thing to know is, just like car insurance, campervan insurance is required by law. 


How much will campervan insurance cost?

Like any insurance, campervan insurance will naturally depend on the driver’s age/s, driving history, address, how long you’ve been on the road, how much experience you have driving a campervan, the make and model of the vehicle and, of course, your expected annual mileage. Your driving history and other vehicles may also come into play and, just like any other insurance policy, the other named drivers you may wish to add to your campervan insurance policy will influence the price of the cover. 

Also important to consider for campervan insurance, just like any other motor insurance, you need to decide what level of cover you need. Comprehensive campervan insurance is obviously the highest level of cover and it usually protects not only the vehicle itself but also any expensive camping gear or possessions you may have in the vehicle – very important especially if you're travelling. 

You can also of course get third party fire and theft and 3rd party only campervan insurance policies. These quotes will obviously be more affordable but do look at the level of cover they provide because that's very important. 

Due to the nature of campervans and campervan holidays you should also be aware whether or not your campervan insurance policy covers you for driving abroad especially in Europe following Brexit negotiations. 

Let's look at other factors which may influence the cost of your camper van insurance firstly there's mileage of course. Just like any other insurance, when it comes to campervan insurance your annual mileage will have an influence on the amount that you pay for your insurance since if you're on the road more there's obviously more risk that you may have to make a claim. 

Secondly how do you use your camper van? Is it used constantly or just for an annual holiday? Obviously this makes a huge difference to your campervan insurance cost. Also where you park your motorhome or caravan will be important as the security involved in where you park up your vehicle will be taken into account. 

No claims discount of course is important to the cost of your campervan insurance. Importantly your no claims history doesn't have to been earned while driving your campervan – your no claims history as a driver will all be relevant to your campervan insurance policy. 

Performance Direct also specialises in providing classic campervan insurance so it’s worth check if your vehicle can be classed as a classic campervan and eligible of classic campervan insurance cover.

Of course one should also remember when taking out campervan insurance that it may contain many valuable items, these might include a propane gas or electric powered refrigerator, a propane gas or electric oven or grill, perhaps a microwave oven. Obviously there will also be supplies of propane gas and other valuable sundries and possessions to take into account for your campervan insurance cover. 

There may also be a television, air conditioning and room heaters so all these items can add up to quite a considerable value when one is considering campervan insurance and, should the worst happen and your camper van is stolen or lost in a fire, you should of course be able to make a full claim on these items. At Performance Direct we can help you with all such valuations to make sure that nothing is forgotten and that you're fully covered so, in the event of a claim, you're certainly not out of pocket. If there's anything you're uncertain about regarding your campervan insurance or any other questions around insurance, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can go online now for a campervan insurance quote for your camper van or just give one of our friendly team a ring and they'll be very happy to help.  

Also in terms of campervan insurance it’s worth considering what items may be on the outside of your vehicle and can be stolen, these may include bike racks, solar panels, spare tyres even wing mirrors – we've seen all these items targeted by thieves and therefore should be mentioned when you speak to us, or fill in any online quotation form regarding your campervan insurance.

Performance direct is a specialist in campervan insurance and classic campervan insurance and so we can cover all sorts of vehicles, not just standard manufacturer model models we cater for individually customized vehicles and all sorts of modifications. Please however let us know every modification that you've made to the vehicle so that we can make sure your insurance adequately covers your particular situation. 


Saving money on your Campervan Insurance

Finally being a member of a club, a motorhome club,  caravan club or campervan club will be very important in determining your campervan insurance. For example many VW camper owners receive discounts on their classic campervan and campervan insurance as a result of their club memberships so make sure when you speak to us or when you fill in your online application, that you mention any car club discounts or memberships that may be relevant to your insurance. 

As is now clear, like any insurance, there are a variety of factors that come into play in assessing the cost of your campervan insurance, not only the obvious items like the make, model, age and value of your vehicle but also, as we've said, the main driver, parking arrangements and any driving convictions. Campervan insurance costs will vary depending on all of these and your quote may be as little as £200 depending on how you use your camper van and your annual driving history. Phone us now or go online for a quote to get a guide to what you may pay. If of course you have any questions, feel free to call us we are experts in campervan insurance and we're more than happy to share our thoughts and experience with our customers.


What Campervans do we insure?

As we've stated we insure many different sorts of campervans – from pre 1992 classics to high tops, raised roof and fixed roof camper vans – whatever you own get in touch and we will be able to help you. Our campervan insurance cover also includes professional campervan conversions, bespoke campervan conversions, Japanese import conversions and self-built and home built camper vans.  With this in mind we may need to see images of your campervan to make sure that the cover we provide is correct, so please give us full information when asking for a specialist campervan insurance quote

Popular makes and types of campervan for UK holidays include a large number of campervan makes and models from Classic VW campervans, the lastest VW campers, the popular Vauxhall Campera and VW T6. 

Other campervans we insure include the Roadie, which is economical, sleeps two people, a nice simple, stylish and practical way to get into campervanning and ideal for summer festivals and weekend breaks. 

Secondly if you're on a budget but want a larger camper van the Nomad VW
campervan could be considered; this has a pop up roof which obviously adds to space, and it's designed to sleep up to four people in comfort. The Aero campervan is another more luxurious option – a well-equipped campervan and a generous double bed. 

The VW Ranger is a more modern design which also incorporates BlueMotion Tech which gives it excellent fuel economy and a smoother and quieter ride. 

Next on our popular campervan insurance list is the Vista, a spacious four berth motorhome with great facilities and very popular amongst all owners. 

These many other campervans all available, there's loads of information online about them, and owners will be more than happy to share their experiences with you. 

When considering a campervan and campervan insurance you also need to look at other aspects such as, for example, should it have barn doors or a tailgate? There are advantages and disadvantages to both – it's important to know how you'll be using your camper van to work out which of these will suit your needs better. For example, it may be you need protection from the English weather while putting on your boots and your anorak, in which case a tailgate can be really handy. On the other hand, if you're doing a lot of parking in tight areas and need access to the vehicle, barndoors may in fact be better for you. It's practicalities like this that you need to consider when buying a campervan and arranging campervan insurance – at the end of the day this is a utilitarian vehicle and therefore you need to make sure it's fit for purpose, for whatever that purpose may be! Hopefully whatever the purpose is it will be thoroughly enjoyable!


Campervans – personal memories

The first time I remember coming across campervans was when my uncle and aunt came to stay in their 1966 VW camper van. This was the 1970s and it was looking a little bit tired and rusty by that time, but I still couldn't believe how cool it was and how much my uncle and aunt obviously LOVED it. 

Of course being the 1970s it had the obligatory ‘no nukes here’,  ‘peace love’ and Woodstock badges on it but that only added to the appeal.

My uncle had bought it from new in Germany and travelled back to the UK in it and I believe they've been on holiday ever since in this extraordinary camper vehicle. And so it was there that my interest started, not only with camper vans and VW camper vans but with all motorhomes RVs and larger than life on the road home from home vehicular transport!

I bought my first camper van in the late 1980s, it was an ancient Sherpa van that had been converted by the world’s worst DIY enthusiast, but I spent many happy Holidays in the Lake District and in Scotland travelling around and enjoying the sights and scenery with nothing holding me down. 


Campervan Festivals and Fun

In the late 1990s I was involved in organising a festival called the Beetle Bash somewhere near Stratford on Avon. It was a mixture between a car festival and a music festival and a wonderful two days were spent on a hot English summer’s weekend. It was there that I had my second taste of the wonders of VW camper van motoring and indeed the joys of being out in the countryside in a camper van. There were all sorts of different classic and modern VW's there, from some ultra-modified vehicles to the latest models fresh from the showroom. 

The other thing that struck me was the camaraderie and friendliness of the drivers and owners, everyone happy to exchange stories about their campervan motoring and happy to share a cup of tea outside their vehicle. Unfortunately like many such festivals, The Beetle Bash only lasted one or two seasons, however, it's of course been replaced by many other campervan festivals particularly focusing on classic VW campers. At time of writing, I'm also very much looking forward to the new electric VW camper van which could be an iconic vehicle for the future in the world of camper van driving. 

In more recent years now that I have a family I've bought a rather larger motorhome which sadly and especially recently spends most of its time on the drive gathering moss. But still there's nothing like the feel of the open road and just being able to stop wherever you like (or practically wherever you like!) and make that your home for the week, for the day or for however long you want. 


Specialist UK Campervan Insurance 

When I first insured my camper van there were very few specialist companies dealing with campervan insurance and motorhome insurance. Nowadays of course with companies like Performance Direct there are real campervan insurance specialists who can walk you through every possible detail of the policy to make sure that you have exactly the right cover for you for your campervan and for your needs. 

Whether you're travelling just in the UK in Europe or even further afield (especially now post-Brexit) things can be a little bit more difficult than before) Performance Direct can help guide the way and make sure that your campervan insurance is fit for all purposes. 

Over the years the staff at Performance Direct have experienced so many different scenarios when it comes to campervan insurance and camper van policies that there's probably not a single challenge they haven't faced. Indeed they enjoy a challenge and relish particular and individual, unique campervan insurance conundrums to deal with!

Of course Performance Direct will seek out the cheapest and best value for money campervan insurance but it’s worth noting – as in all aspects of life –  sometimes the cheapest isn't the best solution and when it comes to insuring something so precious as a camper vehicle, something that you have to rely on, it doesn't pay to cut corners. In the same way it's important to share with your insurer all the details of your camper van, its contents and any customization that's been carried out to ensure that your campervan insurance fully covers your needs in the event of a claim. 

Performance Direct insurers campervans and motorhomes throughout the UK, there isn't a single corner of the United Kingdom where we don't have campervan insurance clients with beloved camper vans and motorhomes which we lovingly insure every single year. 

Although there’s recently been a pause to many family holidays in the UK and abroad we certainly hope and look forward to more times on the road and being able to insure more camper vans before long. If of course there are any questions regarding campervan insurance and all aspects of insurance that you'd like to know please do give us a ring – we're not just here to give you a quote, we enjoy sharing our expertise with customers. 

Also, of course, if you're considering buying a campervan do contact us for a guide to the insurance you may expect to pay we're very happy to help and we're very happy to help new customers finding their way in the campervan world. 


Ensuring you have the right insurer

What to expect when you contact Performance Direct insurance for your campervan insurance quote. Performance direct is part of Grove & Dean Group which is a family insurance broker formed in 1974.

Many of our team are enthusiasts – in the case of campervans many of them own their own campervans and know a great deal about campervan holidays and motoring. So you can rest assured it's likely you'll be speaking to someone who really knows the market not only for campervan insurance but also the joys – and the pitfalls and risks involved – in campervan ownership.

You can obviously ask your broker any questions you may have obviously around campervan insurance but also around the general views of campervan driving and ownership in the UK. 

Our job is to make your time on the road as enjoyable and stress free as possible, so you have the Peace of Mind to go off into the wilderness and enjoy yourselves without having to think of mundane things like insurance… but knowing in the event of a claim that you're fully and expertly covered. 


Camper Van insurance cover and travel after Brexit. 

Since the 1st of January 2021 there have been changes in the way foreign trips can be handled, this is obviously particularly relevant to the owners of campervans.

As it stands, drivers are now required to carry a Green Card with them when travelling to Europe and also to display a GB sticker on their vehicle.

It's important to note that these cards cannot be electronic – you have to carry a physical copy – however, distinct from in the past they don't actually need to be green and can be printed up at home! 

However it should be noted, at time of writing (January 2021), the European Union and the UK government are still in negotiation regarding foreign travel so this situation may change. 

Please contact Performance Direct and we can let you know the current situation regarding travel in Europe and abroad. 


Campervan insurance cover and Campervan roadside recovery policies. 

Many Performance Direct campervan insurance policies include roadside cover both in the UK and in Europe. Obviously when it comes roadside cover for camper vans and larger vehicles there are differences than from standard vehicles. So please check with us whether you wish to receive roadside insurance or not.

With this in mind, if you have a separate roadside recovery policy you should check that it covers your campervan and that the cover extends into Europe (especially after the Brexit negotiations). 


Online cover and telephone support for all campervan owners.

And so in conclusion, if you own a campervan or you're thinking of owning a camper van if you need the correct campervan insurance for your vehicle, insurance that will cover not only the vehicle itself but also your valuable possessions and the fixtures and fittings within the camper van, contact Performance direct . 

Go online for a quote or contact one of our expert campervan insurance staff who will be able to help answer your questions. 

As we hope is clear from these articles, it's vital to find the right cover and we'll make sure that we can do that for you for as cheap a price as possible. 

So, whether you own a classic VW campervan, or the latest model get in touch and we'll be able to help… putting you on the road with the best camper van insurance cover.