Report a claim

Manage your insurance anytime, anywhere with Performance Direct’s multi‑device solutions, ensuring expert cover and peace of mind

The quickest and easiest way to manage your policy is to use your Insurance Account

Or, if you haven't already, download the Performance Direct app and manage your policy wherever, whenever you want.

Which policy type would you like to report a claim on?


Motor claims

For assistance with claims on your CAR, BIKE, VAN, MOTORHOME, HORSEBOX or CARAVAN please see the information below.

To report a claim call:
01708 925 057
To report a windscreen claim:

Inclusive covers

Legal: 01708 925 057

Legal (for caravan policies): 08009 531 217

Optional extras

Excess Protection (before 1st March 2024): 01737 815 714,

Excess Protection (starting 1st March 2024 onwards): 03448 562 359,

Helmet & Leathers cover (for motorcycle policies): 01302 895 380

Goods in Transit (for van policies): 01612 353 800

Vehicle Replacement: 03448 562 359

Tracker Nano: 08085 090 909

What to do if you breakdown

For breakdown information please CLICK HERE.

What to do in the event of an accident?

If you are involved in an accident, rest assured we're here to take the worry out of the situation and to process claims as quickly as possible.

To make sure you have everything you need to report an accident, just follow these 6 simple steps.

1. Make a note of the time and location of the accident.

2. Make sure you get basic information from the third party, or parties if more than one vehicle is involved, including name, address, vehicle details and registration.

3. Make a note of how many passengers were in the vehicle.

4. If you have a camera phone and it's safe to do so, take some photographs of the damage. If not, make a note of the extent of the damage to all vehicles.

5. Take the contact details of any witnesses.

6. Do NOT discuss or admit liability.

7. If anyone is injured, you are required by law to stop and report the accident to the police.

8. If the Police are involved, take a note of any crime reference number or Incident report details. 

9. Most importantly - To avoid any issues with your claim, always log in to your insurance account, use the Performance Direct App, or call our official claims line at 01708 925 057 to report a claim.

Do not use any other number to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and without delays.

How do I report a claim?

If you're involved in an accident, we're here to take the worry out of the situation and to process claims as quickly as possible.

Call our claims line on 01708 925 057 or login to your Insurance Account to report a claim, you will need to have your policy number and vehicle details to hand.

What our claims service provides

Should you be unfortunate enough to be involved in a non-fault accident, our claims service provides everything you need to get back on the road as soon as possible:

  • 24 Hours UK based claims helpline.
  • Access to our industry leading solicitors to assist you and any passengers in the event an injury is suffered. Including any rehabilitation that may be required.
  • Replacement vehicle to keep you driving whilst yours is off the road. Subject to liability enquiries being completed.
  • Access to our nationwide approved network of repairers.
  • Recovery of any out of pocket expenses from the responsible party, these include but are not limited to:

- Travelling expenses
- Damage to personal items in the vehicle
- Recovery of policy excess
- Vehicle damage if not covered under your main motor insurance policy

What if my car's been stolen or broken into?

If your car has been stolen or broken into, follow these steps to handle the situation:

Step 1: Report to the Police
Immediately notify the police and obtain a crime reference number. This is essential for filing your claim.

Step 2: Contact Us
Once you have the crime reference number, log in to your Insurance Account or call us on the official Performance Direct claims line to begin the claims process.

Examples of Covered Incidents:

  • Your car is stolen.
  • An item is stolen from your car.
  • Your car is damaged due to a break-in.

What Happens Next:

  • We’ll arrange repairs through our approved garages or cover the repair costs.
  • We may replace stolen or damaged items, depending on the circumstances.
  • Alternatively, we’ll settle your claim via bank transfer or cheque.

What Isn’t Covered:

  • If the car was left unlocked or unattended with the engine running.
  • If the keys or fob were left in, on, or near the car.
  • If windows or the roof were left open.

Additional Notes:
If you have Comprehensive insurance, you're covered for vandalism or malicious damage not caused by another vehicle. This does not apply if you have Third Party, Fire, and Theft coverage. Remember to pay your policy excess when filing a claim; you can find the excess amount in your policy documents.

For a hassle-free claims experience, ensure you follow these steps and contact us on 01708 925 057 with all necessary details.

What if my windscreen is chipped or damaged?

Dealing with a chipped or cracked windscreen? Don’t wait—addressing the issue quickly can prevent the damage from spreading, saving you the cost of a full replacement.

Repair Costs and Insurance:
If you’re covered by our comprehensive insurance, you’ll need to pay an excess for windscreen repairs or replacement. The good news? These repairs won’t impact your No Claim Discount (NCD).

How to Arrange a Repair:
All repairs are carried out by our approved partner, Auto Windscreens. You can report your claim and schedule the repair directly through their website or by clicking the 'Make a Windscreen Claim' button on our site.

Guaranteed Workmanship:
Enjoy peace of mind with a lifetime guarantee on all repairs, valid as long as you own the vehicle (terms and conditions may apply).

Don’t let minor damage turn into a major problem—get your windscreen fixed quickly and efficiently with our trusted service!

Home claims

For claims assistance with your home insurance policy the most direct and quickest way to get to the right claims team is to log into your Insurance Account and use the report a claim section. Alternatively you can use the Home Insurance Claims Line below and we will put your call through.

Home Insurance Claims Line:
01708 925 057

Inclusive covers

Legal cover: 01142 493 300 or email

Optional extras

Home Emergency: 01444 444 240

Excess Protection: 03448 562 359

Business claims

For assistance with your business insurance claim please call us using the number below.

Business Insurance Claims Line:
01708 952 573

Travel claims

For assistance with your travel insurance claim please call us using the number below.

Travel Insurance Claims Line:
01708 925 057

Other claims

For assistance with any claims enquiries not provided on this page, please call us using the number below.

Claims Line:
01708 925 057