Why Home Insurance is NOT boring

When I was about 13 one of my favourite bedtime reads (apart from The Joy of Sex - the one with the horrible line drawn hippies in) was Monty Python's Big Red Book. It was blue, wasn't very big, ho ho, and it had an article in it about 'Why Accountancy is NOT boring'. It was, of course, incredibly dull and written, I think, by John Cleese who had originally considered a career in that profession before discovering his silly walk.

Anyway, it got me to thinking I should write a similar piece for my blog about Home Insurance, building and contents cover andcheap home insurance quotes on line and on the phone and why that really isn't dull at all. So...

Hold on. Before I start I really should say that, apart from the fact that Home Insurance is definitely not painfully and excruciatingly boring, that it is absolutely necessary and very important in order to protect your house, its contents and your possessions against fire, theft, flood and all the other very interesting and not boring threats faced by the UK householder. Get Home insurance, get it from Performance Direct now, save money and you won't go wrong.

Now, where was I. Listen to this, just one example from one of my favourite Home Insurance prose pieces (not from Performance Direct) which I think sums up rather well why Home Insurance is absolutely not dull.

"Household goods and personal property. Money and Valuables all belonging to and/or the responsibility of You and/or Your immediate Family contained in the dwelling Home or Holiday Home or in the open within the boundaries of the said Land as previously defined belonging to the said dwelling Home or Holiday Home. Our liability in respect of such aforesaid Valuables shall not exceed 23.5% of the Contents sum insured in any one period of insurance.

The term Contents does not include any living creature, any mechanically propelled vehicle (other than domestic gardening and pruning machines), aircraft, watercraft, hovercraft and accessories attached thereto, outboard engines, motorcycles, caravans, trailers, trailer tents, personal massage machines and their parts and accessories, credit cards, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, securities for money, documents, manuscripts, firearms, shotguns."

Pure poetry. I can't see why more people don't read the small print of their Home Insurance policies (you really should), it is definitely NOT dull.

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Why choose Performance Direct?

  1. The latest digital systems. Our customers enjoy all the advantages of the digital world. We offer excellent web and app-based insurance services, including a fast, easy-to-use quote engine, and automated customer services allowing hassle-free access to documents and information.

  2. The peace of mind of a Chartered Broker. Everything we do is backed by a team of skilled, experienced insurance professionals. We’re a Chartered Insurance Broker, a family company with a proud 40-year history, so we’re bound by a personal and professional code to deliver the best service for our clients.

  1. We’re independent. Because we’re not tied to any brand or product, we can search the insurance market to get you the best policies. Whenever you ask for a new or a renewal quote, our systems search a panel of up to 100 leading UK underwriters to ensure you get the lowest price and the best policy.

  2. We’re on your side. If you need to make a claim, because we’re completely independent, we work with you to sort everything out and to make sure your claim is paid. Our claims service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

  3. Here for you. Your Online Insurance Account, support features, and on-line quotations are available 24/7, and our office is open 6 days a week.

Combining the advantages of the latest technology with real world experience, Performance Direct promises the lowest prices with the most efficient service.