Motorists 'must not drink and drive'

Individuals who flout the law and get behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances are highly irresponsible and are taking their own lives and those of other road users into their own hands, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has argued.

According to data compiled by the Association of Chief Police Officers, 7,124 motorists across the UK were arrested during December 2011 as a result of failing drink and drug-driving tests, with 4.55 per cent of those who were breathalysed being found guilty of being over the legal limit for alcohol.

Kevin Clinton, RoSPA's head of road safety, said: "It is extremely disappointing but sadly not surprising that, despite three decades of drink-drive education and enforcement, thousands of drivers were caught drinking and driving."

He argued that drink and drug-driving can be deadly, both for the driver of the vehicle and for other road users, with 250 people killed in drinking and driving incidents in 2010. Furthermore, more than 1,200 were seriously injured as a result of this type of offence.

It is therefore important that all motorists are aware of their responsibilities when they get behind the wheel and do not touch a drop of alcohol or any other illegal substance, as it is not just their own life that they could be damaging.

The Institute for Advanced Motorists (IAM) also commented on the figures last week, arguing the number of young people found guilty of this type of offence is on the rise and that it is imperative the message gets through that just one drink can be enough to put an individual over the legal safe limit.

Neil Greig, IAM director of policy and research, stated: "This suggests that [a] lack of education and confusion over safe limits in today's drinking culture of huge glasses and ever-changing alcoholic mixes may be a key factor in drink driving."

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