Parents 'want restrictions on young drivers'

Parents in the UK are calling for government-imposed restrictions on licences for young drivers in order to discourage dangerous and illegal motoring.

A survey conducted by safety charity Brake and Leigh Day & Co solicitors has revealed that 80 per cent of parents would be in favour of a lower drink-drive limit, a night-time driving curfew or a limit on passenger numbers among younger motorists.

This is because many adults believe their children are increasing their risk of needing convicted driver car insurance by taking unnecessary risks soon after passing their tests.

Other concerns held by parents include suspicions that their children are using their mobile phones behind the wheel to make calls or texts.

Ellen Booth, Brake senior campaigns officer, said: "Brake is urging the government to listen to parents' concerns and introduce graduated driver licensing to prevent more needless deaths and injuries caused by young drivers' inexperience and risk-taking."

Last week, the charity expressed concern over plans to increase the speed limit on motorways in the UK, over concerns this will make the roads more dangerous.

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